One line of business in Ezarri is the creation of artwork in luxury swimming pools. Combine two of our best options:
Ezarri’s pool mosaic designs can be adapted to all types of swimming pools to produce creative and totally original settings. In fact, Ezarri mosaics are especially suited as cladding to personalise the swimming pool of your dreams.
Pool mosaic designs a way to personalise projects, suitable for simple images, repetitive patterns or geometric shapes. The system is also great for company logos, creative designs and/or names in any colour.
The biggest advantage of pool mosaic designs is the possibility of combining multiple finishes and mosaic textures – nacre, smooth, metallic, etc. – with fantastic results. The pool mosaic designs are edited at the pixel level to produce what’s known as Pixel Art.
Ezarri sends out the pool mosaic designs as numbered mosaic panels (14 x 14 tiles) with a simple assembly plan, enabling easy installation and, as always, the best quality.
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