Journey through the history of Ezarri
We started off as a manufacturer of mosaics in December of 1979 in the town of Ikaztegieta, in the Basque Country.
From the very beginning, we have always had a zeal for exporting. Since 1982, Ezarri has been a leader in the French market and, from that point on, it has added many other countries to the list.
We were the first glass mosaic company to use a point-based system. We developed the JointPoint brand as a leader in quality in terms of mosaic panelling.
Strengthening of our sales in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America. Ezarri is a leader at the international level.
We began the twenty-first century by renovating all our production facilities and we also created the R&D&i and Design Departments. New capabilities for the new century.
With a storage area comprising 300,000 m2, the automatic warehouse has been a vital investment in order for us to have 95% of our style references in stock and to provide a five-star service to our customers.
Ezarri acquires new markets, thanks to our service and quality.
Always on the cutting edge in terms of implementing new developments in production. A new world in terms of textures and finishes has opened up thanks to digital printing.
We´re now part of the Inzu Group, an industrial group internationally recognized, formed by highly specialized companies covering various market sectors.
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