> Discover the new Gemma collection on video
Ezarri’s Gemma collection combines the beauty of synchronised swimming, the discipline in which Gemma Mengual shone, with the gems provided by nature itself. The result is that each Ezarri mosaic in the Gemma collection has unique veins and an infinite number of reflections. This makes it an ideal tile to achieve the highest possible expression of beauty. Always unique.
With this collection, Ezarri immerses itself in nature, both taking inspiration from it and using 100% recycled glass. In this way, you will be able to create pools that blend harmoniously into any environment. Extraordinarily beautiful and environmentally friendly pools.
Another of the specific features of Ezarri’s new Gemma collection is its outstanding durability, due to the quality of the materials, the most advanced manufacturing technology and our exclusive JointPoint® panelling system.
And we shouldn’t forget that, just like a gemstone, our Gemma collection shines naturally. Its glossy finish enhances the light and casts reflections that illuminate every corner of the pool. And it does this while at the same time creating a warmer atmosphere.
If something distinguishes a gem, it is its supreme beauty. Our Gemma collection also stands out for its extraordinary nuances, its perfect finishes and its exquisite colour palette.
The 14 style references are grouped into four tones, so we will have 3 style references in Sand tones, three in Green tones, three in Blue and the same number in Grey. And these colours, divided into four groups by tone, make up the 14 style references of the new Gemma collection by Ezarri.
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