
Wählen Sie die Verlegungsanleitung des Mosaiks nach Schwimmbeckentyp aus.

Installation of mosaic on concrete

For optimal mosaic installation, Ezarri recommends that you follow the steps described in this installation tutorial

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Arbeitsschritte für die Verlegung

JointPoint instruction manual
JointPoint instruction manual
JointPoint instruction manual
Manual de uso Jointpoint
JointPoint instruction manual
JointPoint instruction manual
JointPoint instruction manual
JointPoint instruction manual
JointPoint instruction manual

Preparation of the Surface

The surface should be smooth and free of imperfections. It must be clean, stable and have a degree of humidity of less than 3%.

Choice of adhesive

For concrete surfaces, Ezarri recommends the use of an adhesive with at least C2TE classification. For other surfaces, please check with us.

Spreading the adhesive

Spread the adhesive uniformly using a 6 mm notched trowel.

Placing the Ezarri panels with the JointPoint ® system

Place the panels with the JointPoint ® system and apply them to the surface.


Correct the alignment of the panels with a rubber float.

Choice of the proper grout.

At Ezarri, we recommend the use of epoxy grouts classified as RG.

Applying the grout

Apply the grout using the soft rubber float, removing any excess.


Clean the tile with water and a sponge float.

Finishing the process

Wait 24 hours and clean with a post-construction cleaning product.

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